In recent years, North Korea has faced multiple crises such as diplomatic sanctions and economic stagnation. In response to internal and external pressure, Kim Jong-un sought to consolidate the power base of his regime by amending the constitution to expand the nuclear force. Seeing the deepening military cooperation between the United States, Japan, and South Korea as a threat to his country’s survival, Kim also looks to asymmetric war-fighting capabilities and unmanned aerial vehicles, as it is believed they will dominate future wars. In December 2023, Kim announced continued expansion of its nuclear arsenal in 2024, while promoted the research and development of strategic weapons such as reconnaissance satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles. In terms of nuclear weapons, the North Korean effort centers on tactical nuclear weapons, and seeks to bolster military deterrence by diversifying nuclear weapon strike capabilities and developing various missiles and platforms to enhance surprise attack capabilities.
It is worth noting that with the relationship between North Korea and Russia becoming closer, the former may have acquired Russian assistance to improve the surveillance capability of its military reconnaissance satellites as well as the combat capabilities of military unmanned aerial vehicles. Russia may also make it difficult for the United Nations Security Council to impose harsher sanctions on North Korea. These in turn will provide North Korea with more space to develop weapons of mass destruction such as biological weapons, posing greater security challenges to its neighbors and the region.