How will the 2024 U.S. presidential election affect future U.S. policy toward China? This is an issue of serious concern to all countries. To answer the question, this paper starts by analyzing the current China policy of the Biden administration, then examines the diplomatic concepts of the two presidential candidates, the core diplomatic team of the President elect, as well as the policy platforms and related remarks of Donald Trump on China and Taiwan.
It is widely believed that Whether who is elected the United States will maintain a policy of intense competition with China, and its trade war and technology export control policy against China will be further intensified. But since Trump wins, Biden's multilateral diplomacy may well undergo a turning point or major adjustment. As for Taiwan, it will continue to receive support from the new U.S. president, but Washington’s demand for Taiwan to strengthen its defense capabilities, willingness, and resilience will become an issue with greater pressure that Taiwan must face.
Key Words: US-China Strategic Competition, minilateralism, Indo-Pacific Strategy, small yard, high fence