In the international environment, a so-called small or weak country can be considered to have relative national strength and influence. For example, Israel has limited economic strength but is considered a military power; although Singapore is a "city state", it is an active player in regional diplomacy.
Taiwan is located at the center of the “first island chain” and has a key geopolitical position. In the existing international political environment, our conventional diplomatic activities face difficulties due to obstruction by China. However, as the international security situation changes, existing international politics and power will undergo structural changes, which will also open up new strategic opportunities for Taiwan. Military issues will be the strategic fulcrum on which Taiwan can exert influence.
However, with limited resources, if Taiwan wants to achieve the goal of effective self-defense, "asymmetric capabilities" are the most important way. In addition to traditional military thinking, corporate terminology such as the "second curve" can also help us to find innovative competitiveness on the battlefield.
Existing expositions beyond the "masters of war" such as Sun Tzu or Clausewitz and Mozi's proposition that "a small country should defend itself well" also feature asymmetric thinking, as described by Mozi. The victory of a great country lies in the fact that " With the others tired out and one's self at ease, one's troops will be stronger." Therefore, if the development of asymmetric capabilities is viewed from a relative perspective, it should be effective in achieving the purpose of deterring war.
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