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Taiwan Former Vice President Shares Successful Health Security Strategy At Ketagalan Forum
Taiwan Former Vice President Shares Successful Health Security Strategy At Ketagalan Forum
2020.09.10 14:04 Update

Taiwan Former Vice President Shares
Successful Health Security Strategy At Ketagalan Forum
Democracy, transparency, solidarity are key, says Dr Chen Chien-jen

TAIPEI, Taiwan, R.O.C. – Sep 9, 2020 – The Institute for National Defense and Security Research was honored to welcome the Honorable Chen Chien-jen, former Vice President of the Republic of China (Taiwan), to deliver a keynote in day two of Taiwan’s premier security dialogue on Wednesday.

Dr Chen, a renowned epidemiologist, outlined the lessons learned from Taiwan’s experience in countering the COVID-19 pandemic and shared his insights on the challenges and opportunities ahead, for not only Taiwan but the rest of the world.

Taiwan did not need to implement lockdowns or mass screening, but did harness the use of smart technology in its response plan to the coronavirus pandemic. “The success of Taiwan’s containment of COVID-19 is based on three very important values – democracy, transparency and solidarity,” said Dr Chen. Keeping the public trust and carrying out successful quarantine measures led to a virtuous cycle of keeping the infection and fatality rate down, allowing “23 million people in Taiwan to work normally, to go to school normally, to live normally,” he said.

Dr Chen also presented a view of a post-COVID-19 era that is moving people toward a zero-touch economy and zero-distance innovation underpinned by a new digital world. Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 Asia-Pacific Security Dialogue, sponsored by the Ketagalan Forum, organized by INDSR and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C., is bringing together thought leaders from around the world online and in Taiwan on Sep 8-9.

Formally inaugurated on May 1, 2018, the Institute for National Defense and Security Research is dedicated to fueling knowledge-based policy analyses and strategic assessments on Taiwan’s security. Our mission is to safeguard Taiwan’s democracy and prosperity by strengthening mutual understanding and advancing common interests in the defense and security community both globally and at home. INDSR was listed among the “best new think tanks” in 2019 in the latest Global Go To Think Tank Index Report.