In the field of defense technology, China’s long-term goal is to establish an autonomous defense industry, and integrate the military and strong civilian industry and technology base to meet the needs of the People's Liberation Army and rapidly enhance its military power. Under Xi Jinping's instructions, China has made every effort to develop "new domain and new quality combat forces", believing that these are the key points of strategic competition between major powers and the key to winning in a future war. Under this concept, future warfare has gone beyond the traditional physical domains of land, sea, and air, extending not only to the deep ocean and space, but also to non-physical domains such as networks, electromagnetic spectrum, and cognition, and also involves advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), hypersonic speed, unmanned systems, etc. This has led to the emergence of "new domain and new quality combat forces". This chapter focuses on the development directions of AI technology, space capability development and drones that the “new domain and new quality combat forces” are concerned about.