Chapter 6 The Evolution of the China’s Foreign Policy toward the United States
PDF link:第六章 中共對美外交之演進.pdf
In 2022, China will host the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. To ensure President Xi Jinping wins a 3rd term, China has hoped to keep good relations with the United States. At the same time, defending its core interests is one of China foreign policy priorities. Beijing strongly opposes the Biden administration’ view of China as a strategic competitor. China hosted the Beijing Winter Olympics, but Biden administration boycotted the event. China has criticized the internal and foreign policies of the Biden administration, such as those on democratic institutions, human rights, the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, Covid-19 epidemic, the Indo-Pacific Strategy, Russia-Ukraine war, Taiwan, East China Sea, South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, and semiconductors etc. Among them, China strongly objected to the visit of the U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan and held missile military exercises around Taiwan. However, China and the U.S. kept high-level communication channels open and tried to manage divergence between them, including military communication channels. Overall, the differences and divergences between China and the U.S. have not diminished. There are a lot of challenges for China’s foreign policy toward the United States.