Chapter 13 The Russia-Ukraine War and its Impacts on Taiwan Security
PDF link:第十三章 俄烏戰爭對台海情勢的影響.pdf
The rise of China strengthens Beijing's ability and confidence to ‘unify’ Taiwan by force. The Russian-Ukrainian war has unprecedentedly internationalized the security of the Taiwan Strait, but at the same time, it has intensified China's efforts to "oppose independence and promote reunification" against Taiwan. The growing international community support and sympathy for Taiwan, coupled with the increasingly slim chance of Beijing's ‘peaceful unification’ across the Strait, make China's unification by force attempt vis-a-vis Taiwan appear both urgent and cautious. The Russian-Ukrainian war has demonstrated the dangers of defeatism in the face of aggressors and the crucial role of national leaders in times of crisis. Its most important lesson in terms of the Taiwan Strait is that the goodwill of the enemy cannot be relied on, grievances and concessions will only strengthen the ambition of the aggressor, and national defense is not just the responsibility of professional soldiers. Only by self-help can we obtain help from others, and in the attempt to win without fighting, in the end, we still need to depend on the determination and ability of the whole country to bravely engage in a war.